Looking for more involvement and a chance to take on a leadership role? Please consider a position on the executive board! Each position is served for two-years. The board meets at least 4 times a year in person and does most of the communicating virtually. Please feel free to email at [email protected] if interested.
2021-23 Executive Board Positions
Panhellenic Delegate Alternate
- Provides the chapter with Panhellenic news/updated
- Attends monthly Panhellenic meetings (third Tuesday of the month from 11:30 – 1:30 in Dunwoody). No meetings in the Summer
- Provides the chapter with Panhellenic news/updates
- Updates other members of exec on anything discussed in the meetings and what information needs to go into the newsletter.
- There are also committees within the AAPA in which you can get involved.
- Estimated time commitment (excluding summer) is approximately 5-7 hours or less a month, including the meeting.
Programs VP & Assistant
- In charge of planning “annual signature events” every year
- Open House
- Founders Day
- Annual Ornament Exchange
- Galentine’s Day
- Organizes fun and unique events & outings around the Metro Atlanta area for our chapter
- Happy Hour
- Walking/Hiking
- Book Club
- Sends e-vites to all planned events